
Studies show that the targeted complex aromas predispose positively purchasing decisions: 84% of people were more likely to buy [shoes], or liked them more, when in a scented room. In the same study, many of the subjects reported they would pay 10-15% more for the product. PHILIP KOTLER & Lindstrom Martin, “Brand...

We combine space characteristics, the characteristics of the people we are targeting and of the goals that each brand has in order to create carefully targeted fragrances that will accurately represent each brand. Every fragrance could cause a different set of emotions based on its ingredients....

Η αίσθηση της όσφρησης λειτουργεί υποσυνείδητα και βοηθά τον καταναλωτή να αποφασίζει με την καρδιά του περισσότερο, παρά με το μυαλό του. Η δημιουργία συναισθημάτων μπορεί να φέρει πραγματικά κοντά κάθε brand με το κοινό του....

H δυνητική σχέση που μπορούν να αναπτύξουν οι ταξιδιώτες με τα καταλύματα είναι ισχυρή. Το συναισθηματικό αυτό δέσιμο μπορεί να ενισχυθεί ακόμη περισσότερο, με τη σωστή εφαρμογή του Scent Marketing....

Scent marketing is the new trend in hospitality and tourism. It is a fact that hoteliers focus more than ever on creating a memorable experience, paying attention in detail and not just to classic methods such as Design and Service...

Scent as selling tool Studies show that the targeted complex aromas predispose positively purchasing decisions: 84% of people were more likely to buy [shoes], or liked them more, when in a scented room. In the same study, many of the subjects reported they would pay...