Smells like hospitality spirit…

The potential relationship that travelers can develop with the accommodations they visit is strong. This emotional bond can be further enhanced by the proper implementation of Scent Marketing.

In a highly competitive industry, such as the hotel industry, Scent Marketing seems to have a substantial application, with multiple benefits for entrepreneurs. Athanasia Daskalou, Key Account Manager of Scent Plus, analyzes the conditions under which this tool can become effective.


Does scent Marketing applies to Hotels?

I have to inform you that Scent Marketing does absolutely applies in hotels. The hotel industry is quite demanding. Continuous developments, the diversity of destinations, the various concepts make us inventive and keep us on a constant alert. For us a hotel is a big challenge.

When a hotel invites us to see how Scent Marketing is implemented in its area, the first thing we do is a full-fledged interview with the hotelier to understand the real needs and have the full brand record.

The relationship that travelers develop with accommodation is strong as they stay in them and are constantly in touch with all their appearances. And this contact is made even more intense through the aroma of the hotel, which plays a key role in shaping the overall experience of the traveler.

What does the application of Scent Marketing mean for a hotel?

The basic service that a hotel offers to its guests is: comfort, whether traveling for vacation or work. The concept of comfort includes cleanliness, carefree, intimacy and friendliness, relaxation, all or part of luxury, care and warmth, security and trust. When we enjoy all this, then we feel comfortable.

This depends a lot on the hotel premises and the staff. The spaces must be clean, harmonized with each other and give a positive energy. We expect the staff to be smiling and pleasant, with a high sense of service.

Through many comprehensive studies and researches, it has now been proven that the effect of perfume on the psychology of the consumer is extremely strong, a fact that has made perfume a strategic tool of business. The emotional bond between accommodation and traveler is further strengthened and this is reflected in their reviews and the larger number of repeaters they end up having.

How can we apply Scent Marketing to a hotel?

Emphasis should be given to the Reception area, since not only are the first impressions created there, but the traveler also draws his first conclusions in relation to the hotel choice he has made.

The decor, the colors, the lighting, the music, the cleanliness, the furniture, the textures and the perfumes all have to “work” harmoniously for the warmest Welcome! The scent here should highlight the personality of the hotel.

The fragrance which is applyed in the room must be discreet and fine. Housekeeping is one of the most demanding parts of the hotel as it requires enhanced hygiene procedures. Fabric Fresheners products, for all fabrics, can significantly contribute to the “aromatic experience” of the accommodation by increasing the positive reviews in relation to the level of cleanliness.

The breakfast room, restaurant and bar are very important areas that must be neat and clean. The aroma, depending on the time and what is served, will play a decisive role in the desire and consumption and will increase the prospects for upselling. At the same time, the areas should be free of flying insects, with the use of special insect repellents, especially during the summer months.

Scent Marketing does not deal exclusively with the perfume, but with the general sense of cleanliness and care. The spaces we address must have implemented complete solutions and show their customers that they respect them, protect them, take care to feel comfortable and do everything to turn their simple stay into a unique experience!

Ποια είναι πραγματικά η καινοτομία του Scent Marketing, στον ξενοδοχειακό κλάδο?

Αυτό που πραγματικά κάνει τη διαφορά και τα τελευταία χρόνια, όλο και περισσότερα ξενοδοχεία επενδύουν πάνω σε αυτό, είναι το Signature Scent. Τόσο στην Ελλάδα όσο και στη Κύπρο, πολλά upgraded ξενοδοχεία επιλέγουν να δημιουργήσουν το δικό τους άρωμα υπογραφής. Αυτή η διαδικασία παίρνει περίπου 1,5-2 μήνες και έχει ένα επιπλέον κόστος από 1.500€ έως 3.000€, αλλά αποτελεί σήμερα μοναδικό εργαλείο στρατηγικής Marketing. Τα οφέλη για τα ξενοδοχεία είναι πολλαπλά με βασικότερο, ότι  μπορούν με το δικό τους άρωμα να κάνουν πολύ- εφαρμογές.

Με την προϋπόθεση ότι το ξενοδοχείο έχει δημιουργήσει το δικό του εξατομικευμένο άρωμα, ενισχύονται και οι προοπτικές upselling μέσα από τις πολυ-εφαρμογές του αρώματος σε ειδικά προϊόντα. Ο ξενοδόχος μπορεί, για παράδειγμα, να δημιουργήσει την δική του συλλογή από αρωματικά κεριά ή sticks, που αποτελούν αναμφισβήτητα ένα ελκυστικό Goodbye Gift, το οποίο όχι μόνο θα ικανοποιήσει τον πελάτη, αλλά και θα ενισχύσει τη σχέση του με το κατάλυμα, αυξάνοντας παράλληλα και την πιθανότητα να τον μετατρέψει σε repeater, κυρίως λόγω της ιδιαίτερης ανακλητικής ιδιότητας της όσφρησης.

Αυτή είναι η νέα τάση στον ξενοδοχειακό κλάδο, όπου επιτυγχάνει σε μεγάλο βαθμό την αύξηση της πιστότητας των πελατών. Με αυτό τον τρόπο το ξενοδοχείο αποκτά ένα οσφρητικό αποτύπωμα, πολύ δυνατό, ως εργαλείο Marketing που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ακόμη και ως πηγή εσόδων.